Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre – Eco-trail


Spot 10 – Horsetail Tree


Horsetail Tree is native to Australia and Pacific islands. It was introduced into South China for the purposes of soil consolidation and as windbreaks. It has good resistance to salinity. Therefore it is always planted near the coast. In appearance, Horsetail Tree resembles Pine. In fact, they have big difference. Pine’s leaves are long and needle-shaped. The needle leaves are not segmented. Leaf-like structure of Horsetail Tree is in fact branchlet, intersected, the real leaves are degenerated into minute teeth around the nodes.


Intersected  branchlets of Horsetail Tree Needle leaves of a pine
Intersected branchlets of Horsetail Tree Needle leaves of a pine

Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

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Intersected  branchlets of Horsetail Tree
Needle leaves of a pine