Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre – Eco-trail


Spot 3 – Photosynthesis


Chlorophyll in plants utilize sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into food – glucose. Chlorophyll is mainly stored in plant leaves. Therefore, increasing leaf size could increase food production rate. However, large leaf size also has adverse effects, such as increasing the loading of a plant and the chance of being damaged by strong wind. In general, large and tall plants and plants growing in open areas usually have smaller leaves, plants growing near the ground surface or in sheltered areas have larger leaves.


Leaves of large trees are usually smaller Leaves of plants growing near the ground surface are usually larger.
Leaves of large trees are usually smaller Leaves of plants growing near the ground surface are usually larger.

Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

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Leaves of large trees are usually smaller
Leaves of plants growing near the ground surface are usually larger.