Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre – Eco-trail


Spot 16 – Lantana


Lantana is originated from Central and South America. In Hong Kong, it is an invasive species. As Lantana is widely distributed locally and its flowering period is almost throughout the year, it has become an important nectar plant. On the other hand, Lantana excludes other local plants and disturbs the ecosystem. In fact, Lantana is listed as one of the “100 of the World’s Worst Invasive Alien Species” by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Leaves and immature fruits of Lantana are poisonous.


Lantana Lantana flowers Lantana fruits
Lantana Lantana flowers Lantana fruits

Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre Information and photos are provided by Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

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Lantana flowers
Lantana fruits