Dog Garden / Pet Garden

Name of Venue Man Cheong Street Park
Address Junction of Ferry Street / Yan Cheung Road, Kowloon
location map link to geoinfo map
Area(M2) 2 600
Facilities Pet Garden
Ancillary Facilities Portable toilets, a portable toilet for persons with disabilities, a dogs' latrine, rain shelters and garden benches are provided in the Garden
Opening Hours 7 am to 12 midnight daily
Others Near a public car park
Enquiry No. 2302 1762

Name of Venue Waterloo Road/Ferry Street Sitting-out Area
Address Junction of Waterloo Road / Ferry Street, Kowloon
location map link to geoinfo map
Area(M2) 953
Facilities Pet Garden
Ancillary Facilities Pet latrines and garden benches
Opening Hours 7 am to 11pm daily
Enquiry No. 2302 1762