Dog Garden / Pet Garden

Name of Venue Tai Hang Drive Sitting-out Area
Address Tai Hang Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (adjacent to the junction of Tai Hang Drive and Chun Fai Road)
location map link to geoinfo map
Area(M2) 96
Facilities Pet Garden
Ancillary Facilities Dog Latrine and Garden Benches
Opening Hours 24 hours daily
Others Area available is 96m2
Enquiry No. 2879 5612

Name of Venue Wan Chai Temporary Promenade
Address Lung Wo Road, Hong Kong (near Wan Chai Ferry Pier)
location map link to geoinfo map
Area(M2) 360
Ancillary Facilities Garden benches, turf area for pet, dog excreta collection bins, water dispenser and hand-washing facility
Opening Hours 24 hours daily
Enquiry No. 2879 5617