Artists Zone

As the saying goes: “Ten years of hard work offstage equals a minute onstage.” Since more than a century ago, when Cantonese opera first took root in Hong Kong, countless talents have graced the stage. Among hundreds of multi-talented, singularly accomplished performers, many are movers and shakers who have contributed immensely to the art.

The Artists Zone, a major attraction at the Centre, sheds light on 102 operatic greats from the early 20th century to the present in three main categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), and chou (comic roles). This section chronicles each artist’s entry into the profession, training and artistic achievements, supplemented by rare photos and excerpts of interviews and performances. Visitors have myriad ways to learn more about their favourite artists and relive their performances.

On display in this zone is a substantial collection of artist photos and video footage, including more than 200 photos on loan from the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, images from archival publications, duplicates of exclusive photos from artists or their families and friends, and excerpts of film and stage performances borrowed from Radio Television Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Film Archive and local film studios. Assembled as “Performance Excerpts,” the footage is displayed on a giant screen measuring 6.4 m (W) × 1.8 m (H) consisting of 18 46-inch high-resolution touch-responsive devices. Audiences can savour both the exquisite stagecraft of 102 opera stars and their offstage charm. Additionally, the Centre has invited media veteran Ip Sai Hung to conduct in-depth interviews with 30 famous artists, selections of which appear as “Spotlight on Artists” in this zone.

Hong Kong is home to several generations of Cantonese opera talents. Information featured here is far from complete. and we are committed to enriching the content of this zone in the days to come.

Featured Artists (in alphabetical order)

sheng (male roles)

Ao Lung; Auyeung Kim; Chan Ka Ming; Chan Kam Tong; Chan Kim Fung; Chan Kim Sing;
Chan Po Chu; Chan Siu Fung; Chan Yin Tong; Chu Kim Dan; Chu Sau Ying; Ho Fei Fan; 
Hui Ying Sau; Koi Ming Fai; Kwai Ming Yueng; Kwan Hoi Shan; Kwan Tak Hing; Lam Kam Tong;
Lam Kar Sing; Lan Chi Pak; Lau Wai Ming; Law Kar Bo; Law Kar Ying; Law Kim Long; Lee Lung;
Leng Siu Kai; Leng Yuen Hang; Leung Hon Wai; Leung Sing Boh; Danny Li; Liu Kwok Sum;
Lui Hung Kwong; Lui Yuk Long; Lung Kim Sung; Lung Koon Tin; Luo Pinchao; Ma Si Tsang;
Mak Bing Wing; Man Chin Sui; Man Kok Fei; Ng Chin Fung; Pak Kui Wing; Pak Yuk Tong;
Sit Kok Sin; Siu Chung Kwan; So Siu Tong; Sun Kim Long; Sun Ma Si Tsang; Tang Bik Wan;
Tsange Sam To; Tse Suet Sum; Wai Chun Fai; Wan Yuk Yu; Wong Chin Sui; Wong Chiu Mo;
Wong Hok Sing; Yam Kim Fai; Yau Sing Po; Yu Kai; Yuen Siu Fai

dan (female roles)

Chan Fei Nung; Chan Ho Kau; Chan Ka Ming; Chan Wing Yee; Chan Yim Nung; Cheng Wing Mui;
Chin Lei Kui; Chu Sau Ying; Chun Siu Lei; Chung Lai Yung; Fong Yim Fun; Fung Wong Nui; 
Hung Sin Nui; Kam Ying Lin; Ko Lai; Law Yim Hing; Lee Bo Ying; Lee Fung; Lee Hong Kum;
Leung Siu Sum; Leung So Kam; Mui Suet Si; Nam Fung; Nam Hung; Ng Kwan Lai; Ng Mei Ying;
Pak Suet Sin; Sheung Hoi Mui; Sit Kok Sin; Tam Lan Hing; Tam Sin Hung; Tang Bik Wan; Tang Mi Ling;
Tse Suet Sum; Wan Fai Yin; Wang Ming Chun; Wong Chiu Kwan; Yam Bing Yee; Yu Lai Zhen; Yu Wai Fun

chou (comic roles)

Auyeung Kim, Chan Hung Chun; Choi Kei Lun; Chu Sau Ying; Hui Ying Sau; Kwan Hoi Shan; Law Kar Kuen;
Lee Hoi Chuen; Leung Sing Boh; Liu Hap Wai; Lui Hung Kwong; Ma Si Tsang; Man Kwok Fei; Poon Yat On; 
Sit Kok Sin; Tam Lan Hing; Yau Sing Po; Yip Fut Yeuk; Yuen Siu Fai