Browns, Blues and Skippers in Urban Parks

Browns are small to medium size butterflies. Their wings are mainly brown with distinctive eyespots. Like to fly in shaded areas. Less attracted to flowers and prefer other decaying juice.

Common Evening Brown Common Palmfly
Common Evening Brown
(Melanitis leda)

Medium size. Common and can be seen all year round. This butterfly is so named because it is mostly active at dusk.
Common Palmfly
(Elymnias hypermnestra)

Medium size. Common and often seen in spring, summer and autumn. Its larvae feed on a variety of palms. The adults are therefore always found nearby.
Blues are small butterflies. The underwings are mainly gray and the upper wings usually possess large blue-purple patches. 
Common Hedge Blue Pale Grass Blue
Common Hedge Blue
(Acytolepis puspa)

Small size. Common and can be seen all year round. Widely distributed in mountains and lowland.
Pale Grass Blue
(Zizeeria maha)

Small size. Common and can be seen all year round. One of the commonest butterflies in Hong Kong. Larval food plant is the widely distributed Sorrel.
Lesser Grass Blue  
Lesser Grass Blue
(Zizina otis)

Small size. Common and can be seen all year round. Looks similar to Pale Grass Blue, but smaller in size.
Skippers are small butterflies. The wings are mainly brown in colour. Prefer to fly in shaded areas or become active at dusk. 
Common Straight Swift Indian Palm Bob
Common Straight Swift
(Parnara guttata)

Small size. Common and can be seen in spring, summer and autumn. Prefer to fly close to the ground surface of open grassland.
Indian Palm Bob
(Suastus gremius)

Small size. Uncommon and can be seen in spring, summer and autumn. Its larvae feed on a variety of palms. The adults are therefore always found nearby.