Athletes of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region took part in four editions of the National Intercity Games since 1999. Their achievements are listed below:
Edition (Year) | Place | Achievement | Medallist and Event |
7th (2011) | Nanchang, Jiangxi |
Gold Medal | NG Ka-long, Angus Badminton (Men's Single) |
Gold Medal | LEUNG Chun-wing Cycling (Men's Individual Road Race) |
Silver Medal | YEUNG Pak-long, Brian Tennis (Men's Single) |
Silver Medal | NG Ka-fung Athletics (Men's 100 m) |
Bronze Medal | HO Burr Cycling (Men's Individual Road Race) |
Bronze Medal | CHAN Howie Ho-yin, CHOI Nicholas Edward, TAM Yuk-wang, YEUNG Chi-ka Fencing (Men's Foil Team) |
6th (2007) | Wuhan, Hubei |
Gold Medal | Steven WONG Cycling (Men's BMX) |
5th (2003) | Changsha, Hunan |
Gold Medal | LAM Kai-tsun Cycling (Men's Individual 120 km Road Race) |
Gold Medal | HUNG Lap-hei, Brian Tennis (Men's Individual) |
Bronze Medal | CHAN Wai-man Windsurfing (Women's Mistral) |
4th (1999) | Xian, Shaanxi |
Silver Medal | TO Wai-lok Athletics (Men's 100 m) |
Bronze Medal | FU Wing Swimming (Men's 50 m Freestyle) |