The 1st National Youth Games (NYG) will be held in Fujian Province from 18 to 27 October 2015. In March 2015, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) set up the Organising Committee of the HKSAR Delegation (OC) with 13 members to coordinate the participation of the HKSAR Delegation in the 10-day event. The OC, comprising members from the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, the sports sector, the Home Affairs Bureau and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), is chaired by Mr Timothy FOK and supported by a secretariat provided by the LCSD. To facilitate the efficient organisation of the Delegation, the OC set up an Appeal Board and an Executive Committee (EC), of which five co-opted members are veterans of the sports sector who are experienced and ready to contribute their views and expertise.
According to the rules of the General Administration of Sport of China, the HKSAR is required to take part in the preliminary rounds of some of the events in the 1st NYG to secure places in the finals while direct entry to the finals is granted for the remaining events. Between March and September 2015, 175 athletes from the HKSAR Delegation participated in the preliminary rounds of 10 sports in the 1st NYG, namely archery, badminton, men’s football, women’s handball, women’s hockey, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball and wushu (sanda). A total of 78 athletes in Six sports (Archery, badminton, women’s handball, tennis, volleyball and beach volleyball) were qualified for the finals.
For those events granted direct entry to the finals, the lists of athletes nominated by national sports associations were reviewed by the EC according to the selection criteria endorsed by the OC. Including those who have secured places in the finals through participating in the preliminary rounds, a total of 214 athletes will be sent to compete in 20 final events, namely swimming, archery, athletics, badminton, canoeing, cycling, fencing, women’s football, gymnastics, women’s handball, judo, rowing, sailing, windsurfing, shooting, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball and wushu (taolu). The delegation comprises a total of 295 members, including 81 team officials and medical staff.
It is encouraging to see that HKSAR athletes have attained outstanding achievements in major sports events in recent years. The NYG helps nurture our budding athletes by providing them with valuable opportunities to enhance their skills through competing with their counterparts from mainland cities and get prepared for major international competitions in the future.
Apart from seeking commercial sponsorship for the delegation, the OC also publicises HKSAR’s participation in the 1st NYG and solicits support from various sectors of the community by means of posters, a dedicated website and activities such as a flag presentation ceremony and a welcome home ceremony.