Event Calendar of September

Download pdf version (Information updated as of 23.07.2024)

Event Calendar of October

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Concert Hall & Theatre​

Date Venue Time Price Presenter Programme
1 Sun Concert Hall 7:30pm $500, 300, 190, 90 The Learners Chorus Mendelssohn Elijah
9234 6057
1 Sun Theatre 3pm# $340, 220
■170, 110
Chung Ying Theatre Theatre “Land for a Land” (In Cantonese)
8106 8338
2 Mon Theatre 7:30pm $150, 100 Universal Music Interchange (Concert)
9750 2562
3 Tue Theatre 8pm $320
Fusicianz “Concert 2024”
9521 7224
4 Wed Concert Hall 2:15pm/
▲Free Admission by Ticket Islands District Office “Islands District Cantonese Opera Show in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China”
2852 4627
5 Thu
6 Fri  Concert Hall 7:30pm $350, 250, 190
●245, 175, 133
CHK Youth Symphony Society Harry's Magical Symphony: The Snow Queen
8222 7976
6 Fri Theatre 7:30pm
$380, 290, 200
■190, 145, 100
Musica Viva Opera: Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito
6976 2877
7 Sat Concert Hall 8pm $1000, 580, 380
●900, 522, 342
Purple Star Music Publishing Albert Au Legends in Concert 2024
2744 5191
7 Sat Theatre 7:30pm $380, 290, 200
■190, 145, 100
Musica Viva Opera: Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito
6976 2877
8 Sun Concert Hall 8pm $200, 160
■160, 128
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association Tseung Kwan O Integrated Social Service Centre “HKYWCACO: Concert Dedicated to Lo Leung-fai's Works”
2709 3388
8 Sun Theatre 7:30pm $80 Music Domain “Music Domain 15th Anniversary Celebration Concert”
9882 5767
9 Mon Concert Hall 7:45pm $480, 380, 280, 120
■240, 190, 140, 60
Melody Art Troupe H.K. (Concert)
5345 3254
10 Tue Concert Hall 7:30pm $880, 680, 480, 380, 280 ◇528, 408, 288, 228, 168 Carpe Arte “German Brass 50th Anniversary China Tour (Hong Kong)”
6509 8766
13 Fri Theatre 7:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
14 Sat Concert Hall 8pm $480, 340, 200
■240, 170, 100
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Coming Together – Sheng & Didgeridoo!
2836 3336
14 Sat Theatre 2:45pm/
$380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
15 Sun Concert Hall 4pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Hong Kong Federation of Women “Six Arts Orchestra Concert in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China cum the 10th Anniversary of Six Arts Music Art”
2833 6131
15 Sun Theatre 2:45pm/
$380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
16 Mon Theatre 7:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
17 Tue Concert Hall 12:40pm Free Admission (Collect tickets at the Concert Hall Reception and sit in the assigned seats) Hong Kong Sinfonietta Panasonic Proudly Sponsors Good Music This Lunch
2836 3336
18 Wed Concert Hall 8pm $780, 680, 580, 420, 280
■ 580, 500, 400, 280, 140
Hong Kong Doujin Production "Tabisaki HKDP 10th Anniversary Concert feat. Kohmei, Yonechi, SERRA"
9165 0679
18 Wed Theatre 2:45pm/
$380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
19 Thu Concert Hall 8pm $1000, 480, 380, 280
Global Symphony Orchestra Society World Symphony Concert
6021 8847
19 Thu Theatre 7:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
20 Fri Concert Hall 8pm $450, 350, 300, 250
■225, 175, 150, 125
Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra The Education University of Hong Kong Proudly Supports The Silk Road
3185 1600
21 Sat
21 Sat Theatre 2:45pm/
$380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
22 Sun Concert Hall 7:30pm $200, 160
▽150, 120
Tien Ma Chorus Tien Ma Chorus Annual Concert
9377 2229
22 Sun Theatre 2:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Panasonic proudly sponsors Ambiguous” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
23 Mon Concert Hall 7:30pm $1680, 1280, 880, 480
■840, 640, 440, 240
In-heritage Philharmonic; In-heritage Artistic Cultural Education Development In Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 27th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Harmonious Passage Charity Concert
9682 2187
24 Tue Concert Hall 7:30pm ▲Free Admission by Ticket Central & Western District Office; Central & Western District Association for Culture and Arts “Chiu Chow Opera 2024”
2858 9115
25 Wed Concert Hall 8pm $420, 280, 160
■210, 140, 80
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Hong Kong Sinfonietta – HKS Recital Series: Sunwook Kim Piano Recital
2836 3336
27 Fri Theatre 7:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Scapin in Jiānghú, Chap. 2024” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
28 Sat Concert Hall 8pm $480, 340, 200
■240, 170, 100
Hong Kong Sinfonietta “Hong Kong Sinfonietta – Great Piano Concertos: Sunwook Kim Plays Brahms”
2836 3336
28 Sat Theatre 7:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Scapin in Jiānghú, Chap. 2024” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
29 Sun Concert Hall 7:30pm $520, 320, 180
■260, 160, 90
Premiere Performances of Hong Kong PREMIERE PERFORMANCES – Sean Shibe: Unplugged
9545 6851
29 Sun Theatre 2:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Scapin in Jiānghú, Chap. 2024” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
30 Mon Concert Hall 8pm $550, 400, 250
■275, 200, 125
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong Tango in the Night by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong”
2864 2151
1/10 Tue Theatre 2:45pm $380, 280, 200
●190, 140, 100
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Theatre “Scapin in Jiānghú, Chap. 2024” (In Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles)
3103 5900
2/10 Wed 7:45pm
3/10 Thu 7:45pm
5/10 Sat 2:45pm/
6/10 Sun 2:45pm


LCSD_iconPresented or organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens and/or People with Disabilities Tickets and the Minder and/or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients Tickets
Some free tickets are distributed at the Enquiry Counter of the Hong Kong City Hall (9am - 9pm) on a first-come-first-served basis
▽ Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens Tickets
 ● Full-time Students and/or Senior Citizens and/or People with Disabilities and the Minder Tickets
◇ People with Disabilities and the Minder Tickets
# Accessible performance with audio description in Cantonese 
cat 3 For persons aged 18 or above only
Internet Booking and the Latest Ticket Sales: www.urbtix.hk
Credit Card Telephone Booking: (852) 3166 1288 (10am - 8pm)
Ticketing Enquiries: (852) 3166 1100 (10am - 8pm)


Exhibition Hall 

Date Time Presenter Exhibition
1 10am - 6pm Hong Kong Art Researching Association “Hong Kong Art Researching Association 42nd Anniversary Annual Exhibition”
7 - 11 10:30am - 6:30pm Hear Talk Foundation “Sayhear for Art”
12 10:30am - 5:30pm
14 5pm - 7pm Hong Kong Sino-Western Culture Exchange Association “Thangka Art Exhibition 2024”
15 - 17 10:30am - 6:30pm
18 10:30am - 3pm
19 3:30pm - 7pm Hongkong Guangzhou Arts Association (Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition)
20 - 21 10am - 7pm
22 10am - 5pm


Exhibition Gallery 

Date Time Presenter Exhibition
6 2pm - 7pm The Body Pen of Hong Kong (Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition) 
7 10am - 7pm
8 10am - 5pm
9 2:30pm - 7pm Hong Kong Sketching Society “Hong Kong Sketching Society Members' Exhibition 2024”
10 - 14 10am - 7pm
15 10am - 5pm
16 2pm - 7pm Hong Kong Global Cultural Arts Association (Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition)
17 10am - 7pm
18 10am - 6pm
20 4pm - 7pm HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education “HKU SPACE Diploma in Chinese Landscape Painting Graduation Exhibition”
21 - 23 10am - 7pm
24 10am - 5pm
27 4pm - 7pm School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong “Graduation Exhibition of the Diploma Programme in Chinese Calligraphy (Cycle 25), School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong”
28 - 29 10am - 7pm
30 10am - 5pm

This event calendar may not list all programmes at the Hong Kong City Hall since some bookings of venues and programme details are pending. Please visit this website later or call the Enquiry Counter at 2921 2840 for updates.