Physical Measurements

Physical Fitness Test For the Community 2011

Test ItemsFunction
Body Height It reflects the longitudinal growth of the skeleton.
Seated Height It measures the overall longitudinal growth of head, neck and trunk, so as to reflect the growth ratio between the trunk and the body height.  This is another index reflecting the longitudinal growth of skeleton.
Body Weight An index that reflects the overall transverse growth of the human body, it includes physical circumference, girth length, thickness and weight.  It is a measurement that, to a certain extent, reflects the development of skeleton, muscles, subcutaneous fat and viscera.
Chest Circumference It is the maximum circumference of the chest cavity reflecting the size of the chest cavity and the growth and development of the muscles on the chest wall.  It is an index that typically reflects the physical diameter and thickness of the human body.
Skinfold Thickness Reflecting the distribution of body fat in the human body and measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat at different parts of the human body, it is a simple method to get a good understanding of the constituent composition of the human body (i.e. fat content, the percentage of body fat and lean body mass etc).
Waist Circumference Reflecting the thickness of subcutaneous fat of the abdomen to a certain extent, it is an easy-to-measure index that indirectly reflects the condition of body fat in the human body.
Hip Circumference The ratio of waist-to-hip is a measurement that, to a certain extent, reflects the distribution of body fat in human body.

Test items

Test Items Infants
Adults Seniors


Seated Height




Chest Circumference

Waist Circumference




Hip Circumference




Skinfold Thickness - Upper Arm

Skinfold Thickness - Subscapular




Skinfold Thickness - Abdomen




Skinfold Thickness - Chest







Skinfold Thickness - Suprailiac







Skinfold Thickness - Thigh




Skinfold Thickness - Calf




Total Number of Items 6 6 6 10 10 10
● denotes this test indicator is available for that age group.


1. Age Calculation

If the Test falls on a date after your birthday:    Your age = Test Year –Birth Year
If the Test falls on a date before your birthday:  Your age = Test Year –Birth Year –1

2. You are advised to consult doctor or medical professional to ensure that your physical condition is suitable for taking the tests. Participants should also heed the following tips:

  • Put on appropriate sportswear*and sports shoes;
  • Do sufficient warm-up and cool-down exercises before and after taking the physical fitness test;
  • No full or empty stomach before taking the tests; and
  • Stop immediately and seek medical assistance if you feel unwell during the tests.

*Appropriate sportswear means an upper garment and a pair of sports pants that are loose and can be easily rolled up or folded.

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