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Public Feedback

In 2012-13, the department conducted 17 surveys to gauge customer satisfaction with its services. Of the 14 completed surveys about outsourced sports centres, 13 showed more than 80 per cent user satisfaction, with the other one recorded an approximately 75 per cent satisfaction rate. Another opinion survey on museum services was completed in November 2012; the results indicated that around 90 per cent of visitors were satisfied with the services at museums. A physical fitness test for the community was also completed and its major findings released to the public in the form of a press release in November 2012.

An opinion survey on the LCSD’s performing arts activities is expected to be completed by April 2013.

Our ‘Views from the Public’ system maintains a database of feedback received through various channels regarding the department’s policies, facilities and services. This information is regularly analysed, and reports made to management which help them identify areas for improvement.

Customer appreciation notes collected.

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