
Hong Kong is surrounded by waters with many places suitable for water sports. There is a rich diversity of water sports and the number of participants increases every year. Hence, the safety of water sports is a matter of public concern.

Through proper and systematic training, water sports participants can acquire the proper skills, realize the potential hazards involved and become more conscious of safe behaviour, thereby raising their awareness of safety in water sports.

To enable the public to enjoy the fun of water sports, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) organizes a wide variety of water sports in its water sports centres. Apart from this, it also compiles this Guidelines on water sports safety to raise water sports enthusiasts' awareness of safety and make water sports activities more enjoyable.

The materials in this Guidelines only cover the general conditions that arise frequently. The participants must respond to the constantly changing weather and the conditions of the sea by making reasonable and safe judgement in light of the circumstances.

Reproduction of the contents of this Guidelines is welcome
