Yes, Madam!

Yes, Madam!

Dir: Corey Yuen Kwai
Scr: Barry Wong
Prod Co: D & B
Cast: Michelle Yeoh, John Sham, Cynthia Rothrock, Mang Hoi, James Tien
1985 | Colour | DCP | Cantonese | Chi & Eng Subtitles | 94min

"That experience (making Yes, Madam!) was rather difficult. But I have a strong personality and am very determined every time I try something new. I always think: ‘If others can do it, why can't I?' "—Michelle Yeoh

As the opening film of D & B's own cinema circuit, Yes, Madam! also established the career of Michelle Yeoh as a prominent female action star. Three petty thieves inadvertently come to the possession of a microfilm hidden in a murdered man's passport. In their pursuit of the murderer, Inspectors Ng (Yeoh) and Morris (Cynthia Rothrock) confront triad leader Tin (James Tien), who is willing to retrieve the film at all costs, in a series of dire scenarios. The film defies 1980s generic conventions by celebrating female action. Rothrock's strength and Yeoh's dexterity contrast but also complement each other; their dynamics is exciting as it is captivating. D & B went on to produce a cycle of Yes, Madam! films comparable to Jackie Chan's Police Story series.

Date Time Venue
18/9/2022 (Sun)  11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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