Bless This House

Bless This House

Dir: Ronny Yu
Scrs: James Yuen, John Ng, Clifton Ko Chi-sum, Joe Ma Wai-ho
Prod Co: D & B
Cast: Bill Tung, Loletta Lee, Deborah Lee, Stephen Ho, Leung Siu-lung
1988 | Colour | 35mm | Cantonese | Chi & Eng Subtitles | 83min

Horror comedies began to gain popularity in the late 1980s. D & B integrated the genre into its It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World series, resulting in fashionable titles that bore a distinct D & B mark. Bill is handed the keys to a luxury villa by his boss. After moving in with his family, strange things begin to happen. The previous owner burnt his entire family to death, and they are still around wreaking havoc. The film is funny but doesn't have the explosion of punchlines of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World. The story is brisk and straightforward, the horror scenes are well-paced, and the various elements are well balanced. Director pays close attention to atmospheric aesthetics, meticulously fine-tuning the colour tone, the countryside, villa and temple morph smoothly into large fantastical and eerie spaces.

Date Time Venue
13/8/2022 (Sat)  7:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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