Zen and Sense in King Hu's Films

Film Screenings

A Strong Wind Banishes the Swallow

Dir/Scr: Joseph Sunn Jue
Prod: Joseph Sunn Jue Prod.Co: Grandview (U.S. Branch)
Cast: Lai Yee, Tang Pui, Liu Kei-wai, Chiu Man-fai, Wong Kam-lung
1948 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 86min

When her aunt forces her to marry rich landlord Kim-ho (Tang Pui), farm girl Siu-mui (Lai Yee) flees to San Francisco. With the help of two locals, Siu-mui finds a new life as the co-operator of a restaurant. However, their business is in jeopardy when they discover that their landlord is Kim-ho, who decides to take back the restaurant as revenge. Siu-mui and her aunt create a contrast between two generations of women: the old sees wealth and power as ultimate goal in life, while the new strives for personal freedom and independence. At the time of its release, Hong Kong audiences noted director Joseph Sunn Jue’s depiction of overseas Chinese integrating into life in the United States, with cafes, church weddings and other Americanisms replacing symbols of a traditional Chinese lifestyle.

16/3 (Sun) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive  

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