Zen and Sense in King Hu's Films

Film Screenings

Golden Lotus

Dir/Scr: Griffin Yueh Feng
Cast: Linda Lin Dai, Kelly Lai Chen, Wang Lai, Liu Enjia, Chen You xin
1957 / B&W / D Beta / Mandarin / 120min

MP & GI hired Yueh to expand the market on Mandarin-speaking movies; as a result came Golden Lotus , a melodrama set in the early post-revolution era. It was a love story about a singer and a rich heir and how they could not let go of each other even after he married someone else. Focusing on the female leads’ aspiration for freedom of love, Yueh demonstrated how they respond when  faced with unsurmountable conflict between tradition and love, and that nothing was pure black and white. Such kind of bitter love is actually universal and can transcend the time and space. A northern town with bustling courtyard, old-fashioned mansion and elegant poor’s quarter were all vehemently built in a studio. Linda Lin Dai, who took up the dual role of Golden Lotus and the wife, won the best actress in the 4th Asian Film Festival. One of Yueh’s personal favorites, Golden Lotus is a classic example of his style.

29/8 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive  

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