The department provides free public library services
to meet community needs for information, research, informal education
and the profitable use of leisure time, as well as to promote reading
and the literary arts. It also manages the Books Registration Office.
The Hong Kong Public Libraries system provides
a network of 69 public libraries, including eight mobile libraries,
with a collection in 2002 of 8.51 million books and 1.05 million
multimedia materials. Usage of the public libraries has continued
to increase markedly. In the year under review, 53.27 million items
of library materials were borrowed from the libraries and 3.76
million reference enquiries were handled by library staff, representing
an increase of 25.48% and 45.35% over the preceding year.
The mobile library service of
the department is to supplement services provided
by district libraries in densely populated areas
and to extend library services to newly developed
and remote areas without static libraries of their
own. |
Hong Kong Central Library
The Hong Kong Central Library occupies a gross
floor area of 33,800 square metres with a total stock of 1.63 million,
and provides a wide range of facilities. Special features include
a Multimedia Information System, a Central Reference Library with
six subject departments, an Arts Resource Centre, a Hong Kong Literature
Room, a Basic Law Reference Collection Room, a Map Library, a Language
Learning Centre, a Young Adult Library and a Toy Library. There
are also hiring facilities including a 1,500 square-metre Exhibition
Gallery, a 293-seat Lecture Theatre, two Activity Rooms, a Music
Practice Room and a number of Discussion Rooms.
The Lecture Series on Humanities,
Science and Technology by Contemporary Distinguished
Scholars at the Hong Kong Central Library were
well received by the public. |
As at the end of 2002, the Hong Kong Central
Library has attracted a total of 8.82 million users since its opening
in May 2001, with an average daily attendance of about 16,000.
It is the major community and information centre in Hong Kong.
In addition to a wide range of cultural activities and regular
subject talks, the library organised a Lecture series on Humanities,
Science and Technology by Contemporary Distinguished Scholars.
The series was hosted by prominent scholars including Prof. Yang
Cheng-ning, Prof. Jao Tsung I, Prof. Lao Si-guang, Prof. Lo Hong-lit,
Prof. Ho Ping-ti, Prof. Kao Kuen, Prof. Chu Ching-wu and Prof.
Siu Yum-tong. Another event, the Seminar Series on Hong Kong History,
was presented by renowned scholars and local historians.
The library also launched two major collection
campaigns in its first year. The Document Collection Campaign,
which appeals to collectors and the general public alike to donate
documents and suitable materials to the Library to help set up
a special collection to promote local research and studies on Hong
Kong. More than 70,000 items, including rare books, periodicals,
letters, manuscripts, maps, old legal documents and folk etiquette,
have so far been collected. The Music Collection Campaign, which
is a joint project with the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
and the Composers and the Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd., appeals
to local musicians, record companies and members of the public
to donate relevant materials for setting up a music databank.
In order to encourage reading
and recycle of used books, the department jointly
organised a Book Donation and Sale Campaign with
various organisations. |
Reference and Information Services
Reference and information services are provided
at the Central Library and the five major libraries — the
City Hall, Kowloon, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun Public Libraries.
The Central Reference Library has a total collection of 680,000
items, providing comprehensive reference and information services
through its six subject departments. It features a comprehensive
collection of electronic materials including CD-ROMs, on-line databases,
electronic books, electronic journals and multimedia programmes,
all of which are available for on-line access by the public.
The library provides a comprehensive
collection of electronic materials. |
In recognition of its role as a major metropolitan
library, the Hong Kong Central Library has been designated the
depository library for nine international organisations, including
the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the European
Union. It also holds the collection deposited under the Books Registration
Ordinance of Hong Kong. Other major special reference collections
of the library system include the Basic Law Reference Collection,
the Hok Hoi Collection, Hong Kong Collection, Royal Asiatic Society
(HK Branch) Collection, Kotewall Collection, Hong Kong Literature
Collection, Chinese Authors Collection, and Hong Kong Village Life
Multimedia Service
Computer and Information Centres are located at
the Hong Kong Central Library, five major libraries and most of
the district libraries. They have workstations with commonly used
computer application and multi-media programmes and Internet search
capabilities. Members of the public can book the terminals for
their own use or attend the regular computer literacy training
sessions held in these centres. All the static libraries also have
multimedia workstations for access to the Internet and multimedia
databases, while audio and visual facilities are provided in the
major and district libraries.
Members of the public use computers
at a library. |
Library Automation
The public library system is fully computerised.
The library automation system supports more than 1,200 terminals
and is one of the world's largest computerised library systems
with both Chinese and English capabilities. It provides 24-hour
daily Internet library services for readers to search library holdings,
renew their borrowed items and reserve library materials. In 2002,
the Internet library services were used by 49.55 million readers,
representing an increase of 496% over the preceding year.
Readers enjoy more convenient
services after the public library system becomes
fully computerised. |
The public library's homepage is currently the
third most frequently visited Government homepage in the HKSAR.
The library automation system also offers telephone renewal and
borrower record enquiry services. Readers can now borrow and return
library materials in any of the branch libraries. The project for
installing self-charging terminals at all libraries is scheduled
for completion in 2003. We plan to enhance the library automation
system by enabling readers to use the smart ID cards to be issued
by the Government in mid-2003 as library cards.
Readers can borrow and return
library materials in any one of the branch libraries. |
Multimedia Information System
A Multimedia Information System (MMIS) has been
developed for the Hong Kong Central Library. It provides audio
and video on demand, on-line CD-ROM and reference-searching and
document-viewing services via workstations in the Hong Kong Central
Library and the Internet. The system offers on-line access to varied
materials including old local newspapers, books, photographs, maps,
government documents, clippings, manuscripts, posters, and house
programmes of local cultural presentations. It also has online
booking facilities so that patrons can book workstation time in
the Hong Kong Central Library a week in advance. The MMIS has won
a number of local and overseas awards, including: the Hong Kong
Computer Society's silver award in the application category of
its IT Excellence Awards 2001; and the best award in the E-Government
and Service category of the Asia Pacific Information and Communication
Technology Awards 2002, presented by the government of Malaysia.
It is also one of the finalists for the Stockholm Challenge Award.
The MMIS won a number of awards,
including the Best award in the E-Government and
Service Category of the Asia Pacific Information
and Communication Technology Awards 2002. |
Support of Lifelong Learning
The public libraries have collaborated with the
Education Department in support of lifelong learning by organising
the Library Cards for All School Children scheme, a programme that
aims to encourage primary school pupils to use public library resources
for life. Library staff have also held regular liaison meetings
with school librarians to explore ways to support school curriculum
reforms. The Open University of Hong Kong has deposited its course
materials in 15 public libraries. The public libraries continue
to provide supporting library services to Project Springboard and
have strengthened their collections specifically to support the
self-learning and continuing education needs of the community.
Plans are also in hand to set up a Business and Industry Reference
Library and an Education Resources Centre at both the City Hall
Public Library and the Kowloon Public Library.
The public libraries support
lifelong learning, encourage children to use public
library resources for life. |
Outreach Programmes and Promotion of Literary Arts
Outreach programmes form an integral part of library
services. Educational and cultural programmes are organised on
a continuing basis to promote library facilities and services,
cultivate lifelong reading habits and enhance the public's appreciation
of the importance of free access to up-to-date information. Programmes
organised throughout the year included children's hours, book displays
and exhibitions, seminars and thematic talks, interest clubs and
group visits. Regular sessions were held to teach people how to
use the On-line Public Access Catalogue, on-line databases, the
Internet and CD-ROMs.
The public libraries organise
educational and cultural programmes to cultivate
reading habits. |
To mark the bi-centenary of Victor Hugo's birth,
the Hong Kong Central Library, in association with the Consulate-General
of France in Hong Kong and the Alliance Francais de Hong Kong,
jointly organised subject talks and exhibitions. In 2002, a total
of 17,451 library outreach programmes were organised.
The libraries also play an active role in promoting
the literary arts in Hong Kong by organising several major literary
competitions. They included the Awards for Creative Writing in
Chinese, the Chinese Poetry-Writing Competition, the Hong Kong
Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature, and the Competition on
Story-Writing in Chinese for Students. The 4th Hong
Kong Literature Festival, jointly organised with the Arts Development
Council in July and August 2002, attracted an attendance of 80,274.
The award-winning competition entries were published for sale to
promote creative writing. To date, the public libraries have published
95 titles of Chinese literary books with sale over 1.1 million
Promotion of Reading
To encourage good reading habits in youngsters,
reading programmes and related activities have been launched by
the libraries. These included a large scale Story Kingdom exhibition
and a series of programmes to stimulate children's interest in
reading and to encourage parents to actively participate in the
reading process.
In addition, Teens' Book Clubs were introduced
in the Hong Kong Central Library and five major libraries, and
98 schools nominated their students to participate. In view of
the favourable response, we plan to set up similar reading clubs
in all district libraries in 2003.
The public libraries continued to co-operate
with the Education Department, Po Leung Kuk, and Hong Kong IT Education
City in organising the Read to Enjoy programme which provides mobile
library services to 300 schools without library facilities. Other
reading related activities included the 2002 Ten Recommended Good
Books jointly organised with the Radio Television Hong Kong; a
Selection of Good Books for Secondary School Students and Reading
Carnival jointly organised with the Hong Kong Professional Teachers'
Mobile library services are provided
to schools without library facilities. |
The libraries provide block loan of books and
audio cassettes to non-profit-making organisations, rehabilitation
and penal institutions, homes for the aged and the physically handicapped,
thereby extending library services to members of the community
who are unable to gain free access to normal services. Block loan
service is also available to schools. In 2002, more than 1.54 million
library materials were arranged through block loan for 1,352 organisations
and schools.
For the first time, a Book Donation and Sale
Campaign was launched to encourage the public to read and to share
their books with others. Some 140,000 books were collected and
$330,000 was raised for the Community Chest from the sale. Any
unsold books were donated to local libraries or organisations.
Service to the Disabled
The libraries provide a wide range of services
and facilities for people with disabilities. The Hong Kong Central
Library provides tactile guide paths, special service counters,
adjustable reading tables and toilets for disabled. Adequate access
for the disabled is provided in all new libraries and most existing
libraries, and there is a hotline for people with disabilities.
Five major libraries stock English fiction in large print for the
visually impaired and elderly, and the Hong Kong Central Library
has a reading machine for the blind and a colour image magnifier.
In addition, computer software and equipment for the visually impaired
is installed in the branch libraries.
Library Initiatives
Two major initiatives are the launch in February
2002 of the CD-ROM lending service and the extension in January
2003 of the Hong Kong Central Library's opening hours from 68 hours
to 74 hours per week.
Two new libraries were opened in January 2003,
namely a full-scale district library for reprovisioning the small
library in Fanling and a small library in Fu Shan, Wong Tai Sin.
Renovation work has begun at the Butterfly Estate Public Library
to enhance facilities.
For the convenience of readers wishing to return
books outside library opening hours, "book-drop" facilities
were extended to 43 public libraries. Other plans include the installation
of a book detection system in the New Territories and the gradual
setting up of Computer and Information Centres in the district
Book drops have been installed
in libraries for the return of borrowed materials
after opening hours. |
In addition to the regular Customer Liaison Meetings
held in the libraries, an opinion survey on the Hong Kong public
library services was conducted in December 2001. The survey showed
that 81.2% of the adult library-users were satisfied with the overall
facilities and services and 16.2% rated them average.
An independent consultant was commissioned by
the department to study the future development of public libraries.
The study includes the formulation of a strategic plan for the
development of the public libraries, as well as the most suitable
mode of governance of them. The consultant submitted its report
in November 2002, and public consultation on the recommendations
commenced earlier this year.
Exchange Programmes
During the year, the Hong Kong Central Library
established an exchange of publication programme with a number
of overseas libraries and cultural organisations, as well as those
in Mainland China.
A librarian from Shenzhen Library was attached to Hong Kong Central Library
for one month to study the library's operation and its diversified services.
Professional library staff from the department have actively participated
in overseas library conferences such as: the World Library Summit in
Singapore; the Asian Library Conference on Collection Development in
Penang, Malaysia; the APEC Workshop on E-Learning and Digital Library
in Taiwan; and the Chinese Document Development and Cooperation Conference
in Beijing. Such events help us to keep abreast of the latest developments
in librarianship and to maintain contacts with overseas library professionals.
Books Registration Office
The main functions of the Books Registration
Office are to help preserve Hong Kong's cultural heritage through
the registration of local publications and to monitor the use of
the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) System. A Catalogue
of Books Printed in Hong Kong is published quarterly by the
Books Registration Office in the Government Gazette, which
can be accessed through the Internet. In 2002, the office registered
a total of 11,900 books and 12,923 periodicals, and issued 517
new publisher prefixes conforming to the ISBN.