In support of the Government environmental objectives,
we have incorporated in-depth environmental considerations in our
projects from their inception to the implementation stage. These
aim to minimise pollution, conserve resources and protect the natural
In meeting our goal, we are committed to:-
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Promoting greening and horticulture |
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Preserving our heritage |
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Providing aesthetically-pleasing open space |
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Practising waste reduction and energy saving |
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Minimising air and noise pollution in organising
leisure and cultural activities |
Our major environmental efforts include:
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Up-grading existing landscaped
areas and planting more trees and shrubs |
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Organising community involvement projects
such as Flower Shows, Community Planting Days and green estate
competitions for private sector property management companies |
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Conducting educational programmes to promote
heritage preservation among the public |
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Providing aesthetically-pleasing open space
in the territory |
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Exercising vigilance in the use of water
for watering plants and for water features in major parks |
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Carrying out energy/environmental audits
in collaboration with the power companies, the Electrical and
Mechanical Services Department and Architectural Services Department |
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Using ozone sterilisation and/or brine systems
to replace chlorine systems in swimming pools |
Using ozone sterilisation
and brine systems in swimming pools is
our environmental measure. |
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Using green products sourceable from the
Government Supplies Department |
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Recycling old books, magazines, newspapers,
waste paper and printer cartridges |
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Using waste separation bins for recovery
of waste paper, aluminium cans and plastic bottles at our venues |
In addition, environmental policies are regularly
reviewed through the Departmental Committee on Environmental Efforts
(DCEE). The committee also assists in co-ordinating practices and
monitoring implementation across the department. In October 2002,
we issued the second environmental report detailing departmental
activities in this area.