In line with the Government's initiative for increased
private sector participation in the provision of public services,
the department has been actively pursuing cost-effective outsourcing
and other modes of private sector involvement.
Outsourcing of activities continues to be adopted
to enhance the department's efficiency and to achieve further savings
while meeting the higher demands for service quality from the public.
In making outsourcing plans, the following principles
are followed:
• |
It must be cost-effective |
• |
There should be no resultant lowering in
the standard of service |
• |
The contract is viable |
• |
The department should maintain adequate in-house
capability to provide the core services to safeguard against
contractors' default |
• |
There should be no resultant staff redundancy |
Present Position
In February 2000, the department contracted out
the management of The Jockey Club Tuen Mun Butterfly Beach Sports
Centre. Since July 2001, it has done the same at five other sports
centres, namely Quarry Bay Complex Sports Centre, Island East Sports
Centre, Chun Wah Road Sports Centre, Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre
and Chuk Yuen Sports Centre. The main objectives of contracting-out
management services are to bring in commercial modes of operation,
to enhance the quality of services and to deliver those services
more cost-effectively.
The department has contracted
out the management of some of the sports centres
to bring in commercial modes of operation. |
Forward Plan
The department has plans to further contract
out the management of some sports centres and public swimming pools
in the years to come.
Furthermore, an outsourcing exercise is targeted
to contract out the backend system of URBTIX by 2004. Under this
an advanced ticketing system would be delivered and maintained
by a private ticketing service provider. The department will however
retain the front-end administration and existing staff necessary
to maintain the high quality operation of ticket outlets at its
Management on Outsourcing
The departmental Working Group on Contract Management
has been dealing with all contract management matters since its
inception in mid-2000.
Consultancy services will be employed to review
the department's outsourcing and contract management activities
and advise on best practices.
The Working Group provides a forum for all divisions
to discuss and decide on matters relating to tender terms and contract
Accomplishments of the Working Group include
the following:
• |
Standard core terms and conditions
for major services contracts (including cleansing, security,
horticultural maintenance, venue management and agency services)
were compiled |
• |
Standard marking schemes, with a two-envelope
approach to evaluate major services, were adopted to select
suitable contractors |
• |
Contracts of similar nature (e.g. cleansing,
security, horticultural maintenance, venue management) were
bundled in order to achieve economies of scale |
In addition, smaller working groups were formed
in the Leisure Services Branch on the provision of cleansing, security,
horticultural maintenance and venue management services respectively
to ensure effective monitoring of services.
Other major developments include:
• |
A workshop for venue/district
managers and staff responsible for monitoring the performance
of horticultural maintenance contractors was held to share
experience and exchange views |
• |
Seminars on procurement and contract management
matters for around 1,000 participants |
• |
Survey on the proportion of services outsourced
and sample survey on quantifiable savings of the major services
(viz. cleansing, security, horticultural maintenance and venue
management) were conducted |
• |
Information pertaining to supplies, procurement
and contract monitoring matters were uploaded on LCSD Intranet
Data Library to provide quick reference for officers |
• |
The outcome-base approach in setting contract
requirements was studied and will be introduced on trial basis
with a view to achieving better service quality |