The director administers more than 700 types of
fees and charges. He is responsible for ensuring that fees and charges
are reviewed regularly, and that revenue from these sources is collected
promptly and accounted for properly.
The revised estimate of revenue in 2002/03 was
about $700 million. Revenue came mainly from fees and charges for
the admission to leisure and cultural activities and the hiring
of facilities and from rents. The revenue is credited to the GRA.
The revenue of the department
mainly comes from fees and charges for the admission
to leisure and cultural activities and the hiring
of facilities and from rents. |
The department has frozen the fees and charges
for various leisure and cultural services in view of the recent
economic climate.
ESD life for Leisure Link bookings
A new 'one-stop' service for facility booking
and payment is made available via ESD life with effect from March
2002. Users can now book and pay 24 hours on-line through ESD life
for Leisure Link facilities and programmes.
