Procedures of the test

The functions of individual test items are set out below:

Physical Measurements

Test Items Function
Body Height It reflects the longitudinal growth of the skeleton.
Seated Height It measures the overall longitudinal growth of head, neck and trunk, so as to reflect the growth ratio between the trunk and the body height.  This is another index reflecting the longitudinal growth of skeleton.
Body Weight An index that reflects the overall transverse growth of the human body, it includes physical circumference, girth length, thickness and weight.  It is a measurement that, to a certain extent, reflects the development of skeleton, muscles, subcutaneous fat and viscera.
Chest Circumference It is the maximum circumference of the chest cavity reflecting the size of the chest cavity and the growth and development of the muscles on the chest wall.  It is an index that typically reflects the physical diameter and thickness of the human body.
Skinfold Thickness Reflecting the distribution of body fat in the human body and measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat at different parts of the human body, it is a simple method to get a good understanding of the constituent composition of the human body (i.e. fat content, the percentage of body fat and lean body mass etc).
Waist Circumference Reflecting the thickness of subcutaneous fat of the abdomen to a certain extent, it is an easy-to-measure index that indirectly reflects the condition of body fat in the human body.
Hip Circumference The ratio of waist-to-hip is a measurement that, to a certain extent, reflects the distribution of body fat in human body.

Cardio-Respiratory Function

Test Items Function
Resting Heart Rate It is an easy-to-measure index for understanding the function of the cardiovascular system of human body.
Resting Blood Pressure Blood pressure includes two indicators: systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. Generally speaking, systolic pressure mainly reflects the stroke volume of the heart during its contraction phase, whereas diastolic pressure mainly reflects the degree of peripheral resistance. Measurements of blood pressure are mainly for assessing the functional ability of the cardiovascular system.
3-minute Step Test It is a fixed load simple test for assessing the functional ability of cardiovascular system mainly through the observation of the correlation among the time required for doing a continuous physical exercise with a fixed load, the reaction of the blood vessels during exercise and the time required to return to normal heart beats after a loaded exercise.
15m PACER This is a multi-phase cardiorespiratory endurance test.

Fitness Performance

Test Items Function
Sit-and-reach Test A test for measuring the maximal forward flexion in a static position that involves the joints of the lower back and the hip joints, it is used for assessing the elasticity and flexibility of the subject’s joints, muscles and ligaments.
Hand Grip Test It reflects the strength of the muscles of the forearm and the hand.
1-minute Sit-up Test It reflects the muscular strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.
Push-up Test It reflects the strength and the ability to work continuously of the muscles of the upper limbs, shoulder girth and upper back.
Vertical Jump It reflects the explosive power of the major muscles of the lower limbs.
Standing Long Jump It reflects the explosive power of the muscles of the lower limbs.
Throwing a Tennis Ball It reflects the ability to throw or pitch an object.
Walking on a Balance Beam It reflects the motor ability of balancing act.
Continuous Jump with Both Feet It reflects the coordination and muscular strength of lower limbs.
10m x 2 Shuttle Run It reflects the level of agility.
Closed Eyes Balance Stand A measurement of the time sustained when a human stands with only one leg and both eyes closed, it is for assessing the coordination ability between propriception and perception of the position.
Reaction Time Test A measurement of the time required for a reaction to be triggered by the body in response to a stimulus, it reflects the neuro-muscular coordination and the effectiveness of quick response.